My first WP7 crash!

[sc:mobile-category ]Well, not really a crash, but certainly something close to it.

During my recent trip to the US my HD7 by default disabled data roaming (as well it should) and so as expected none of the third party live tiles or apps updated with new data.

When I returned, data service resumed and the apps happily started updating again.

However, the WeatherBug live tile appeared to be stuck, but likewise every time I looked at it, it was pretty much correct so I didn’t pay it much mind (the weather here had been pretty consistent for a few days).

I then installed the eBay app and could not login no matter what I tried.  The app itself could connect to eBay and search listings etc., but the login simply gave a timeout error.  Un-installing and re-installing the eBay app did not resolve the issue.

Thinking that perhaps it was an eBay I left it for a day or so but by this time it was obvious that the WeatherBug live tile was definitely dead as well.

A quick shutdown and restart seems to have resolved the issue and eBay can login without issue.  It looks like some part of the network stack still thought it was roaming or something.  I’ll have to wait and see if it comes up again in a few weeks or not.

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Greg is the head cat at JumbleCat, with over 20 years of experience in the computer field, he has done everything from programming to hardware solutions. You can contact Greg via the contact form on the main menu above.

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Greg is the head cat at JumbleCat, with over 20 years of experience in the computer field, he has done everything from programming to hardware solutions. You can contact Greg via the contact form on the main menu above.

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