Exchange 2010 SP2

[sc:software-category ]Exchange SP2 has been out for a while now so I finally got around to deploying it on my Exchange server.

Installation took almost an hour, but completed without incident.

SP2 doesn’t really add any new features that I use so there wasn’t anything to set up after the install.

The only issue I had (which is the same for all SP/upgrades) is that it eat my SSL redirection on the CAS server so I had to  reconfigure the rules again.


HTC Titan II

[sc:mobile-category ]The HTC Titan has been the premier WP device for the last couple of months, but HTC just announced this monster of a follow-up today.

Yes, you read that right, a 16 megapixel camera.

I’ve always said that HTC’s camera’s were one of it major weaknesses, however the reviews of their latest handset camera’s seemed to indicate a major improvement over my HD7 (which is looking puny at this point).

I can’t wait to see what that 16 megapixel beast can do.

Now repeat after me; I don’t need a new phone, I don’t need a new phone, …

There are still two things missing:

  1. More storage, 16g just won’t cut it for my next phone.
  2. Wireless charging.  The standards are there, make it happen HTC!

CES hasn’t even started yet, I can’t wait to see what MS has to say tonight in their keynote.


Happy New Year or Welcome to a weird midnight TouchPad Bug

[sc:mobile-category ]So new years came the other night to find use once more forging directly in to the future.

For me, it is just another night and I was watch some TV while playing on my TouchPad when midnight rolled around.  Shortly there after I put the TouchPad down and turned it off (or put it to sleep really, not an actual power off).  About 30 seconds later, the screen lit up all by itself.

“Well that’s weird” I thought to my self and shut it off again.

Once more it powered back to life a few seconds later.

After repeating this a few more times I figured out that when the clock ticked over to the next minute, the TouchPad came back to life.

I don’t know if it was a bug in the OS or some of the software I have installed, but either way I decided the best way to deal with it was a hard boot.

Once the TouchPad was back up, all was good and we both had a good nights sleep Winking smile.

The future of TV’s

[sc:hardware-category ]There has been quite a bit of talk over the last few months about the future of TV hardware, Google has tried to get GoogleTV built-in, rumor’s of an Apple branded TV with Apple TV built-in are flying, etc.

But does any of it make sense?  Not really and here’s the fundamental reasons why:

  • TV’s last 10 years
  • Smart TV boxes last about 2 years

That’s a big difference.  Most people don’t go out and buy a new TV every year or two, they buy them only when they need to replace a defunct unit.

Smart TV boxes are like cell phones, you replace them every couple of years because they get outdated.

It makes sense to keep them as separate devices.  It’s easier to replace a $200 smart TV box than a $2000 TV just because someone came up with a new format that is no longer supported by the TV you bought.

I purchased a new TV a couple of years ago, it’s going to last me at least another 5 years or more.  It has some built-in internet functionality, Ethernet connectivity, etc.  But I NEVER use it, it’s slow and doesn’t support the new services I might use on it (like NetFlix) and there’s no update from the manufacture because it doesn’t get them any new sales to do so.

TV started in the 1940’s and remained mostly unchanged until HDTV came along in the 90’s.  That’s 50 years of NO CHANGES to the TV spec and even how those TV’s from the 40’s still work with today’s equipment.  HDTV will unlikely have as long as life, but it will still be significantly longer than any smart TV standard will last.

The smart TV technology will be advancing very quickly over the next decade and I see no reason to try and marry the two technologies in to a single device until it has matured.