[sc:mobile-category ]It’s been a couple of months now so it’s time to get a little more in-depth about my HTC 8x.
First off, the phone is still great and continues to be an easy to use and functional phone. I previously mentioned that I was experiencing the random reboot issue and MS has issue a patch, however Bell has not yet deployed it. The issue really isn’t a big deal as it doesn’t happen very often but it is a bit of a philosophical quandary for me as I feel I should be giving MS a harder time about it.
The biggest issue I’ve had (other than the rebooting) is mostly a personal preference issue, the 8x uses the slightly thinner 720p resolution and the keyboard is therefore just a bit smaller than on the HD7. It’s taken quite a while to get use to it and every once in a while I do find myself hitting the wrong key because I’m just a bit to the left/right of where I expect them to be.
On a related note, the new high-definition display on the 8x is nice, but not nearly as big a deal as I thought it would be. The old 800×480 display on the HD7 looks just about as good and for day-to-day use there is very little difference. Playing videos at 720p looks very nice, but that isn’t what I use the phone for most of the time.
When I was debating about which phone to get, the Nokia 920 or the 8X, I wondered about the size and weight difference between them and if it really would make a difference. I can now say that the 8X’s size and weight make a huge difference in the day-to-day usability of the phone. I didn’t think it would be that significant of impact to my opinion of the phone but it really does.
As I mentioned in the original post on the 8X, the hardware keys on the phone really do suck. They are hard to hit and you have to catch them just right to get them to activate. HTC needs to make significant progress on their next phones in this regard.
The last item is the discolouration of the “California Blue” casing. The black scuffs seem to have leveled out and I haven’t noticed any new ones for quite a while but I’d recommend anyone getting one they should defiantly get a black one.