Samsung Press Conference

[sc:mobile-category ]So Samsung is finally going to announce some new phones, that presumably are not the S4 😉

I’m a little suspicious from the announcement that we won’t see a new Windows Phone device, but instead just a new tablet running Windows 8 (maybe 8.1?).  But I really hope we do see something from them.  The Ativ S was a nice phone and Samsung does know how to market their devices.

If they really decided to put in some effort to the Windows Phone space, they could give Nokia a run for their money.

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Greg is the head cat at JumbleCat, with over 20 years of experience in the computer field, he has done everything from programming to hardware solutions. You can contact Greg via the contact form on the main menu above.

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Greg is the head cat at JumbleCat, with over 20 years of experience in the computer field, he has done everything from programming to hardware solutions. You can contact Greg via the contact form on the main menu above.

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