[sc:mobile-category ]Recently a new application for Windows Phone was released to the marketplace which is kind of cool… new groups*.
It’s not revolutionary, but what it does is allow you to pin a tile to the Start Menu with any text you want on them. The tile is static and clear so it looks like a title. You can move it around on the Start Menu to allow you to “group” your live tiles under it. Like so:
The tile is only a half width tile so if you want to add longer text it will wrap around, effectively reducing the amount of space you have between the tiles, but it still looks fine.
You can add as many as you like so you can group your start menu however you like.
When I changed my theme from black to white and tiles didn’t update and going in to the app from one of the title tiles came up with an error, so there’s still some work to do, but as a first release it’s pretty good.
Another issue I came across is the ads at the bottom of the app, which doesn’t seem to work. This one I can live with though . I think pretty much every app that is going the ad supported route should also have a pay option available, hopefully this one will as well in their next release.
This is something Microsoft should look in to for the next release of Windows Phone, allowing a half or full width tile with arbitrary text could snaze up the Start Menu and allow for a lot of customization without sacrificing the functionality of the live tiles.