[sc:hardware-category ]I recently had a oportunity to spend some time with a WDLive box and was quite impressed with the advancements they’ve made.
The last time I had one of these boxes I was disappointed to say the least. The interface looked like something from the DOS era and the responsiveness was abysmal to say the least.
Format support was also an issue and it only supported standard definition formats.
The latest WDLive box on the other hand looks beautiful and is fast. Full support for HD through HDMI brings the entire thing in to the modern age.
I’ve been using my PS3 as a media player since it was released but it is a big noisy box that while very good, doesn’t support some of the more modern formats (like MKV).
My game playing has been reduced significantly over the last few years and honestly I have several games sitting at home I have never opened and doubt I’ll ever get around to playing. Too many other things I’d rather be doing. So my question to myself comes down to should I even have a games console and even if I do should I something like a WDLive box for my media player?
I don’t have an answer at the moment, but it may get answer with the next generation of consoles.