Bell, Nokia and the iPhone 5

[sc:mobile-category ]So, just in case anyone missed it, Apple had a little press conference last week and announced the iPhone 5.  There’s also been a little bit of news around what Windows Phone 8 devices will be on the Bell network.

First off the Bell news, which is kind of disappointing for me, they won’t be carrying the Nokia 920.  However the good news is that they will be carrying two Windows Phone 8 devices.  The linked article speculates that it will be a Samsung and HTC phone, which would make sense as Bell has traditionally carried HTC and no many Nokia devices.  Of course they could be looking at the Nokia 820 instead of the Samsung device.  We’ll have to see if there are announcements when Microsoft makes WP8 official.

Now then, that other little piece of news from last week 😉

How can anyone be excited about the iPhone 5?

New design?  No.

Better camera?  No.

Bigger screen?  Kind of.  It’s longer but that doesn’t seem like a good thing really.  I’ve type on the iPhone a few times and the display is just to narrow.

NFC?  No.

Wireless charging?  No.

Big update to battery life?  No.

Removable storage?  No.

Big software change?  No.  Let’s face it, iOS is looking pretty long in the tooth these days and Apple seems to have no plan to move it forwards.  They’re playing catch up to the other OS’s for integrated features (like Twitter and Facebook) and haven’t brought anything new to the table, well unless you count Siri which doesn’t seem to work really.

How much longer will everyone continue to stick their heads in the ground and simply buy whatever Apple shoves out the door?  I guess time will tell but that seems like a painful wait 😉


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Greg is the head cat at JumbleCat, with over 20 years of experience in the computer field, he has done everything from programming to hardware solutions. You can contact Greg via the contact form on the main menu above.

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Greg is the head cat at JumbleCat, with over 20 years of experience in the computer field, he has done everything from programming to hardware solutions. You can contact Greg via the contact form on the main menu above.

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