[sc:linux-category ]A little while ago I moved from OpenSUSE to Ubuntu which went reasonably well, however just a week or so later it turned out that a new long-term support version of Ubuntu was released.
My first thought of course was that I was going to have to do a complete re-install on my server. That didn’t make me happy and I was kicking myself for not checking the release schedule before installing my server 😉
However Ubuntu comes with an upgrade script, either through the GUI or through the CLI. Since I was logged on to my console anyway I used the GUI.
The process worked fine, however there were two things stood out as issues:
- The upgrade takes a VERY long time and intermittently asks you for confirmations which is a real pain if you aren’t sitting right in front of the system while the upgrade happens.
- It wiped out all my perl modules that I had installed.
Honestly I can accept the fact it took a long time and asked a pile of confirmations, the Perl modules on the other hand were a lot more annoying.
It took a while to track down all the modules I needed again and get them working (cpan is great, but sometimes things just don’t work as you would expect).
In the end it was successful and I haven’t had any issues so far so.