[sc:windows-category ]With any product that has been around for a few years, numbering always becomes a problem.
When first released, numbers are technically significant, you want to see the “1.0” release before you really start relaying on it and your excited to “2.0” for all the new features that were missing from “1.0”.
But then it starts to lose that meaning, is 6.0 really all that different from 7.0 or 9.0?
Microsoft has clearly understood this with the next release of Windows and decided to jump straight to 10 from 8.
It’s a pretty slick move really, it makes it clear it’s still Windows but is a big enough bump to separate it from previous releases.
The technical preview is focused pretty much on the enterprise clients so they’re left out quite a bit of the end-user features, but they have detailed some of them. Also it looks like a least next summer before a release so we’re going to have a long wait to see something close to a final release.
Start Menu
Yes it’s back and it kind of looks like a Windows Phone start page. I guess after the uproar of Windows 8 they had to bring it back, but I hope they still support the start page on desktops as well.
I do like the start page, I think it provides a much better interface even on a desktop, but I’m obviously in the minority there 🙂
Windowed Modern Apps
Just like the start menu, it only makes sense to make the modern apps work on the desktop in windowed mode. I’d be using more modern apps if they did. Now it looks like I’ll get my wish!
Multiple Desktops
Unix and Mac have had multiple desktop support baked in for years and it has been an option through third-party software for Windows, but Microsoft has included it in 10. I’ve never been a fan of multiple desktops, but I understand why many people will find this a great addition.
Paste in to the Command Prompt
The command prompt has always been a pain if you want to copy and paste stuff around, Windows 10 now lets you use Ctrl-V to paste text from the clipboard directly in to the command window!
Charms Bar
I like the charms bar, but many people found it to be less than useful. Microsoft is keeping it in Windows 10 but they’re going to be changing it in some unspecified manner before release.