HD7 Tethering Update, Where For Art Thou?

[sc:mobile-category ]As motioned in my previous post, when I received the 7740 update to my HD7 it came as a surprise.  However when came as a disappointment was that the tethering update to the HD7 was not included in the update.

Tethering is a function I don’t use very often, but the few times I did use it with my old Windows Mobile 6.5 handset it was very convenient.  I’ve lived without the functionality since last March when I picked up my HD7 and only once did I find it to be an issue.

However with the Mango update that supports the functionality, the follow on information that the HD7 radio hardware does support the functionality and that Bell does allow tethering it now becomes a matter of principle Devil.

I would have seemed a perfect time to update the radio firmware with the 7740 update but it appears as though Bell as decided to keep them separate.

And so I resorted to the last hope to get information about if Bell was going to support the update or not… I called the Bell support line Surprised smile.

Amazingly enough I managed to get ahold of someone who knew what I was talking about and went off to find out any information he could.

After a few minutes on hold he said that while they didn’t have a date for the release, Bell is going to be deploying the update to the HD7!

Woohoo, now just to patiently wait for it to be pushed to my phone.  Hummm, I’m not very good at waiting… sigh.

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Greg is the head cat at JumbleCat, with over 20 years of experience in the computer field, he has done everything from programming to hardware solutions. You can contact Greg via the contact form on the main menu above.

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Greg is the head cat at JumbleCat, with over 20 years of experience in the computer field, he has done everything from programming to hardware solutions. You can contact Greg via the contact form on the main menu above.

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